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Business Analysis

When you have a goal, we'll help you get there!

Your first step in goal setting is to know where you are now; next, to decide where you want to go, and how fast you want to get there. We help you assess your current situation (where you are) with a carefully prepared business questionnaire. When we receive it from you, we study it and analyze your business.

Next we develop an advertising plan for you alone, and for your approval. Your special plan assures maximum potential to achieve your business goal, on time and at a profit.

Key areas covered in your Business Analysis Questionnaire

Your current business situation:
Sales level, staffing, lead-to-sale ratio and grossprofit analysis
Your current advertising program:
Media you use, results you receive, your ideas and your options
Your Goals:
Where do you want to take your business... sales level, build it by yourself or add number of sales consultants, territory you want to cover, and more
Your advertising budget:
How much are you spending now? Can you budget to boost your growth?

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